Reflection for Second Quarter

            We are now half-way done from being a graduate of Junior High School. Learning is fun but at the same time it is also difficult. Many challenges were faced as I continue my journey. However, I know I must stay strong to be able to achieve my dreams in the future.

            This past few months, I have learned many different things. I have learned the use of different tags, hyperlink and many more. I was able to learn how to make a website on my own. I must say the lessons my teacher gave me really guided me well and I know with the proper knowledge I have, in the future I know I'll be able to make my very own website again.

            Time went by so fast, it had been difficult not only for my self but for other students, teachers, and even our parents. It had been difficult however, I know with God's help and guidance we can get through all the problems we are facing and will face in the future.


Dreamstime. (2021, March 12). Retrieved from Czinkota, A. (2021, March 12). VeryWell. Retrieved from verywellmind:


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