Kannawidan Ylocos Festival to a Simpler Celebration


           Kannawidan festival is significant to Ilocanos as it is the foundation of Ilocos Sur as a province by virtue of the Royal Decree on February 2, 1818. It is a celebration that lasts from the last week of January up to the first week of February. Kannawidan festival showcases cultural shows, native products, and different talents of Ilocanos. It is a shame that we can not fully experience the Kannawidan Festival this year, 2021, due to the pandemic.

            However, the provincial government managed to plan a simpler celebration of Kannawidan festival. Strict guidelines and health protocols were observed during the festival to prevent the spread of COVID-19 pandemic. Under 15 years old and senior citizens are prohibited from entering as they are more prone to catch the infamous corona virus. Certain activities were not allowed to be executed. Only few activites were allowed to avoid the bigger risk of COVID-19.

            Although this pandemic had greatly affected us, including our celebrations of different festivals, it doesn't stop us from celebrating those festivals. We just need to follow strictly the IATF protocols to avoid getting infected of corona virus. I can say that the plan of the provincial government was well-executed. They made it possible for us to still celebrate the annual Kannawidan Festival although, it was done much simplier than the past years. Wishing that sooner or later the pandemic will come to an end and we'll get free from the fears and anxiety it had gave us.


Quimoyog, J. M. (2021, February 26). Philippine Information Agency. Retrieved from https://pia.gov.ph/features/articles/1065420



  1. Hi Rio! I like how well stated your blog is. And I also agree that the making of this kannawidan festival was well-planned and executed. Good job!

  2. Hi Riona! I really like how well organized your content is. Nice work and God bless!

  3. The blog was organized and well made. Good job!

  4. Your blog is amazing! Facts are stated and your ideas are agreeable. Kannawidan truly is celebrated in a much more simple way due to the pandemic but it is still great for we still get to celebrate it.


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